Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh the webs they weave

I was out feeding Patrick ( my bottle calf) and I noticed this huge spider web. Not sure how long it took to make, but think how discouraged you would be to have it destroyed and know you have to start all over again. It is truly a work of art.

Hundreds of rainbows

I have two beveled glass windows in my dining room.This is the effect I get in the morning when the sun is shining. My 4 year nephew said " Auntie Jayne you have hundreds of rainbows".

Friday, August 26, 2011

The pressure is off

I had two firsts today. I canned green beans for the first time and I used a pressure cooker. Fear has stopped me from using a pressure cooker. The horror stories from the "old days" of explosions and my luck were not a good combination, but I did it with out blowing up. Look out tomatoes, here I come!

Good Morning Glory

My Morning Glories are blooming. They are a simple flower but I really like them, and they are hardy. A added bonus in this country

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Barn Swallows

Every year the Barn Swallows build their nests under the eves of our barn. I am always fascinated that the nest stay connected to the barn. According to my handy dandy bird book, it uses up to 1,000 beak loads of mud to make the nests. When it is really humid I will find some on the ground that have come down.I personally like the one that is a duplex.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Farmers Market

I was in the cities visiting Kayla and we went to the Farmers market in St. Paul. The veggies and flowers were wonderful. We got a lot of goodies. The little boy is my nephew Blaine. He lives in Chicago and will be visiting me for a week.