Friday, October 28, 2011

Really bad hair day

This is Vinny. He is having a really bad hair day. His mane and tail are FULL of cockle burs. I don't even know where to begin on getting these out of his hair.The other horse doesn't have any in her mane or tail. I seriously don't know how he did this.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Corn harvest

Spence and Dylan are wrapping up the corn harvest. First time in years that it hasn't been raining or snowing. I got to drive the grain cart for a couple of days and only got fired once,( they didn't have anyone else to drive so I was asked to come back) and I am proud to say I did not rip the auger off the grain cart. It was a good harvest all the way around.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lunch with the dogs

I was up at the farm helping Spence and ate my lunch in the car. Rudy and Sadie were there to make sure I did not drop anything. Of course I had to my lunch was divided into thirds. How could I not share with these two looking at me.

First muskrats,now fish

This is not a pretty picture, but this is what's new on 104th Street....... Yes, fish. We got rid of the muskrats on the road , now we get to run over fish. When the wind blows, the waves wash the fish on the road. An official from the State Highway Dept said he doesn't think we have a problem up  here. How many you have fish on your road ?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Colors of fall

Fall is my favorite season .I love all the colors on the trees.Unfortunately the season is to short. I vote we shorten winter by two months and keep fall around that much longer. Do you hear me Mother Nature?

Monday, October 3, 2011

On fire

Again another beautiful sunrise. The fog settled in, but with the sun hitting it, it looked like it was on fire.Like Spence says, you snooze you loose.